With the epidemic spread, we endured an epiphany that more and more professed and good paramedics ar...
Kochi: The B.Voc (Bachelor of Vocation) course has been approved by the Kerala Public Service Commis...
Great job, great salary ... is everyone's dream. Logistics is an area that has provided many such op...
This is a very attractive area. There will be a lot of job opportunities in the future. The percenta...
E-learning is not a new thing to us now. Its almost two years since we made ourselves familiar with...
The youth around us are so curious and they quickly learn about and try to get involved in so many e...
The world needs more people in healthcare and they are constantly looking for them. This situation r...
Ambulance Community Officers (ACOs) are a kind of paramedic workers who are supposed to be the fir...
Paramedics are destined to provide an emergency medical response to needy people. It is estimated th...