

  • 07 Sep
  • 2020

Our lazy days are over. The exams which were postponed are being scheduled in the upcoming weeks. So, it’s high time to resume studies and preparation. You don’t have to worry about it. Prepare a plan carefully and follow that. Get help from your classmates and keep yourself updated about the exam schedules and topics. Let’s take note of a few tips to help you prepare a study plan.

  1. Revision - It is mandatory to revise whatever you have learned to polish your understanding and memory. It has to be started well on time to carefully cover all the topics. Last-minute cramming is not productive. Ideally, assign time for each subject and make sure that you understand it fully. Ultimately, the best tip is to know your subject and not to by heart it, and starting well on time will help you accomplish this.
  2. Organize your study time - All subjects won’t be easy to understand for you. Everybody has different interests and methods in matters of studies. Therefore, while preparing your study plan, assign more time for subjects which you feel difficulty in studying. Assigning more time will let you go through it peacefully and understand the subjects well. Note down the areas you face difficulties and go through it several times before the exams to make it clear for you. You can take help from your friends to discuss topics.
  3. Mental and Physical Health - Make sure to be in good mental and physical health before and during the exam period. If you have any issues, it will affect your studies. Hence, avoid junk foods and any food items which can cause allergies and keep yourself hydrated. Get proper rest and sleep. Exercise and yoga can help to keep you healthy and fit. Don’t take tension thinking about your exams. You work hard and study all the topics.
  4. Different revision techniques - It is tiring to keep following the same techniques every day. You may lose interest in studies. It is vital to keep your focus stable. So you can try to spice up your studies by trying different exercises and techniques. You can choose a day for mock tests to evaluate yourself. You can organize a group discussion with your friends on the progress of your studies and clarifying doubts.
  5. Change study space - The atmosphere you choose to study also matters in your level of concentration and understanding. You can try studying in different places like the drawing-room, terrace, balcony, etc. Choose an area with no distractions and having fresh air circulation.
  6. Regular breaks - Nobody can keep studying 24 hours. Take regular breaks. It is not possible to properly concentrate for more than an hour. So, you can take a short break after each hour. Take a half an hour break after three hours. You can also change subjects every hour or after a few hours. Each day differs. Few days you may be able to cover more topics and others you may take more time. That doesn’t matter as long as you are focused.
  7. Know exam methods - While preparing for exams, make sure that you cross-check previous year exam papers. It will help you understand the exam patterns, marking system, difficulty levels which enable you to prepare accordingly. You can also read and understand the instructions given on the question paper to be well prepared.
  8. Reconfirm the practical details - Previous night of the exam itself, you have to keep your bag ready. Keep your hall tickets, ID cards, pens, and other necessary tools ready in your bag. Keeping your work aside can make you panic and get you delayed to reach the exam hall. If your exam is in another school or college, get the whereabouts of the examination hall well on time. If possible, contact your friends who got the same examination center.

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