

  • 30 Jun
  • 2020

Many people suffer from various physical, sensory, and cognitive problems that disrupt their normal life and capacity to work. Occupational therapy (OT) helps them lead a better life and make it easier to engage in activities.

Occupational therapy is a branch of healthcare that comes under popular paramedical fields and has a huge scope because of its potential to help people. OT includes a range of therapies and exercises to lead someone back to their normal lives. It helps people who are born with difficulties of those who suffer from it after an accident or injury to regain their skills through therapy. Occupational therapy is popularly used in the case of children who suffer from disabilities and who can’t participate fully in academics and extracurricular activities.

The therapy technique differs according to individual needs. The focus here is to adapt a person to fit into the environment easily through scientific means. Broadly OT service spectrum includes:

  • Developing or sharpening motor skills of a person
  • Basic life skill training like taking care of oneself without external help
  • Setting progressively larger goals/tasks and improving the sense of accomplishment
  • Guidance for family members or people who are closer to the person
  • Training them to use special equipment if necessary that help them to be independent
  • Improving concentration and learning capability in students with learning difficulties.


Occupational therapists often have to work with physiotherapists, speech-language pathologists, nurses, and clinical psychologists. Occupational therapists must be qualified professionals and have a license to treat patients. The best paramedical colleges in Kerala offer occupational therapy courses as bachelor's degree certificates.

Empire College of sciences offers the best paramedical courses in Kerala and has a large number of highly experienced professionals and resources.

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